All Changes to all Versions
v.1.6 CATACLYSM Update
- Uploader changed to recieve new data form new sim tool
- new background image
- armory now shows cata gear
- armory now shows cata glyphs
- 9 fields for glyphgs in database
- gearscore removed
- shaman talents cata update
- warri talents cata update
- mage talents cata update
- warlock talents cata update
- deathknight talents cata update
- druid talents cata update
- rogue talents cata update
- paladin talents cata update
- priest talents cata update
- new color theme
- warri, shaman bis gear phase1
- colors for itemslevels
- fix mechanism for setting the specc
- total rebuild of all pages, to get data directly from json
- new functions for the json format
- new layout of char screen
- fixed all links to charscreen with id
- uploader rebuilt/cleaned
- added reforged stats and variants to charscreen
- added backup folder for older sites
- cleaned site directory
- more database cleaning
- more code cleanup
- framework cleaning
- added a preview window in uploader
- finished the code redesign of the uploader
- fixed bis function
- importer code cleanup
- css update importer
- code cleanup
- bis to json
- more database cleaning
- pie chart for characters
- importer stats cleanup